Show stream preview on the steam profile?

- in Twitch

Moin to the community,

a question for our technical experts.

I have recently started streaming different games on Twitch and would like to preview the stream on my Steam profile in order to build a community with the help of my Steam friends and to arouse interest in the stream.

Is it possible to preview the stream on the steam profile?

And one more question: Is there a way to automatically display a [Live] or something similar for the username in Steam when I go live? I'm often written to by Steam friends and then have to barge out of the stream, that looks unprofessional.


Is it possible to preview the stream on the steam profile?

You could upload it as artwork and have it displayed on the profile, provided you have activated a corresponding showcase

Is there a way to automatically show a [Live] or something similar for the username in Steam when I go live?

Purely through Steam no. Theoretically, you could write a bot that changes your name when the stream is active via the Steam API, but the question is to what extent this is compatible with the terms and conditions.

I'm often written to by Steam friends and then have to barge out of the stream, that looks unprofessional.

Gone stupid. There are several options, e.g. The Steam Overlay (by default Shift + Tab), a second monitor for it (and then just read and respond via the stream), a second PC or ignore your Steam friends for the time being