Thumbnail I'm obs blurred / out of focus?

- in Xbox

I wanted to play my ps4 / xbox via obs on my pc via capturecard

(so that I have it there in a window and don't have to change the input source on my monitor every time)

Unfortunately, the preview image is not really sharp

Even if I don't use the capturecard as a source, but simply create a scene for a window or Firefox, for example, the whole thing in the "preview" is then blurred and not really true to the original

Is there a trick?

Can I look at anything other than this thumbnail? Or is there just the option "record" or "stream" directly, simply a "look here neatly and beautifully" would be enough for me

Changing sizes or full screen preview does not help

I'm not interested in recording or streaming

In principle I only want to see the video USB input - but not blurred


Blurred? Which capture card do you use, they usually have software to view the input in full screen. But it's generally strange that something is wrong. Are the resolutions all correct?


It's a pretty cheap no name card

The same thing happens when I take a window recording on the same PC

Is the preview picture actually 1: 1 what you "feed" or is it always a bit poorer quality?

The resolution should actually fit and the scaling, as well as Nvidia and x264 codec, I've already done everything


The preview is pre-encoder, so it has the same quality as you see on the monitor. So that's exactly what you're taking in, just smaller in size from the window. Then it has to be the source or wrong settings.

Check the canvas resolution once (under video in the settings) and whether your video is scaled down under output or has the wrong resolution. (Possibly the recording is only 1280x720 but the preview 1920x1080 → so the source is upscaled, can't deliver the quality and looks blurred)