Who's to Blame (Twitch - BetterTTV)?

- in Twitch

My friend is a streamer on Twitch and also has BetterTTV, he also uses it in the live stream (so you can see the chat). Now someone comes and makes my face as a BetterTTV emote, the emote can be seen in the stream, but I don't want that because I also have the right to my own picture. And now to the real question who is to blame now? The streamer because my face can be seen in his stream or the person who made my face as an emote?


If you have a facecam, it's your own fault in my opinion

I would say that when you stream you are a public figure


I would say the person who took the picture and published it.


I've never shown myself, he took a picture of me and made it an emote without asking me.


And how did he get the picture or why could he even know that you were his friend?


As I said, we're very good friends and he also has one or the other picture of me, which he is allowed to have. But he didn't ask me if he can show the picture like that or if he can make emoji (the streamer and the person who made the emote are good friends of mine).


So if a friend of mine would do something like that

I would make an emote out of him too