Get PayPal mail with unauthorized payment (Twitch) but not listed in activities?

- in Twitch

I just got a subscription from a streamer for about 5 euro. I only had problems confirming after the PayPal PopUp because I was forwarded by Twitch. I have confirmed several times, but was always directed to a blank page. Then it worked.

As is usual with PayPal, I just received an email confirming that the payment had been made. Over the said amount of 5 euro

But when I looked into my e-mail inbox, another e-mail came saying that I had made a payment to Twitch over 1 euro. Since I had not authorized them, I checked my PayPal activities. There it was only indicated that I had debited the 5 euro.

Was the 1 euro also debited? Is that some standard thing that Twitch is debiting? Why am I not seeing the whole thing in activities? Would it be worth writing to support at all?

Oh yes, I checked the sender of the 1 euro mail and is definitely not fake or spam.

What should I do?


If it's not in the activities, I think that was a mistake. Also find nothing on the Internet.

Question: Which streamer?


Quite unknown, this is his name


He is not that unknown. Depends on others in many streams ^^