Twitch abo keep streak?

- in Twitch

I have a question and a problem and I have subscribed to someone on Twitch for a fee (6.99 euro a month). I have subscribed to the channel for 7 months now and also have a character in front of my name from the streamer (hope you know what I mean). Today, however, 6.99 euro will be deducted from my account again and my problem is that I can't pay it today. Now I have received a message that my subscription will be canceled and I have to update the payment method. Now my question: do I still have a few days afterwards to pay for it and to keep my "subscription streak"? Because I don't want to lose her. So I can e.g. Pay one day after the expiration date without having to start over?


Why do you pay via the app? In the browser you only pay 4.99 euro. However, to the question, you stay in the 7 month, but you have to start the sub streak from scratch