How does a Twitch subscription streak work?

- in Twitch

I use a free Twitch Prime subscription. When is the subscription streak canceled / interrupted? I subscribed to a streamer for 3 months, always on the day it expired. Now I would like to wait first and consider whether I want to use it with another streamer or not. Will the subscription streak be interrupted if I do not reactivate the subscription on the day on which it expired or only after a month? Or only if I use the subscription with another streamer?


If you cancel the subscription in the settings, it will no longer be extended automatically and then you can call someone or subben or wait.


I have a Twitch Prime subscription because I have Amazon prime and there you always have to renew the subscription yourself. And I'm just wondering when the subscription streak, how many months I've been subbing at a time, when it will be interrupted or ended


No, that was the case back then. In the meantime you can take a break from the subscription for several months (I think it doesn't matter how long) and the subscription then starts again at the number where you left off.

So you can take a break for several months and when you activate a subscription again, it will be the 4th month


Ok thanks unless I activate my subscription with another streamer right?


Not even then, otherwise my old subscriptions would all be deleted. Here is a picture times a picture of my old subscriptions


Is it then as if I had 4 months in a row or is it only a total of 4 months and 3 months in one piece? Or is this displayed as a whole the only thing that is displayed?


The entire time is always displayed, even in the chat it would then say that it is the 4 month, if you want to post it in the chat.