What would you improve on the setup?

- in Twitch

Moin Leudeee,

I have put together a setup and would now like to hear your opinion on it.


There's an old 2070S in the pc list to show the 3070's money on my bidget bill. I would also take a Ryzen 5 5600, just guess the price as with a 3600XT.

What I already have:



Cable management

RGB strip

What I want to buy:

PC: https://geizhals.de/...WL-1480157

Setup: https://geizhals.de/...WL-1701897

What I want to do with the setup:

For the most part, I want to use it to play PvP games like Minecraft or Valorant. I would stream myself on Twitch and that via the encoder of the 3070.

Closing word:

I'm happy if you have good ideas and have read everything. I still have an extra budget of 60 euro. What would you like to improve on the setup?

It greets

a schnitzel


I recommend checking out the website hardwaredealz.de, where you can find the best things for good money. The pencil also has one for 600 euro that I'll buy soon.


There's only one general one, but I don't think the recommended items are suitable for me


Ok it was just a recommendation