Can something be improved on the setup?

- in Twitch

Moin Leudeee,

After a really long time I have put something together and have made changes several times and now I want to start buying the first parts. And sorry if the question is really long.

What I already have:
The mouse from the setup list
A chair from Amazon in black / blue
This corner table from Ikea:

What I want to buy:

PC: (would use the new 3070 cards, but there aren't any)

Plants that I don't yet know which ones
200x60cm desk from Ikea:

What I want to do with the setup:

I would like to play Minecraft PvP with the setup (things like Bedwars, SkyWars, etc.), then I would play shooters, for example Valorant. I would also like to stream on Twitch in 1080p @ 60 on the side.

Questions about the setup:

Is there anything i could improve? I have around 3000 euro available for both lists together and it shouldn't destroy the look (RGB with black / white / blue)
Could I go for a 3600 if I took the Nvidia encoder?
Is an upload of 11.1 mbit / s enough for a 1080p @ 60 stream?

I would like to thank everyone who really reads the questions and gives helpful answers,

It greets

a schnitzel


Your screen is only 60hz


My two current ones yes, but if you look in the setup list, you will find one with 240Hz and an IPS panel


Hey ^^, so I couldn't find your mouse and tasta now, because this page is really new to me, which you used for the linksxD.

Among the things you want to do with it:
The setup is more than suitable for this, because I have similar components in my PC and play these two games, even some that eat up a lot more power, such as Rainbow Six Siege.

Suggestions for improvement:
So I would definitely use a curved monitor, this is e.g. Mine:
I would also clap LEDs under the table ^ - ^

The question about the graphics card would have to be answered by someone else, I'm a professional in the field of software, but only start by looking at the hardware ^^ ".
And yeah, an 11 M / Bit's upload should be more than enough.

And since I couldn't find your mouse and tasta now, here is the link to my ^^ ":


Got both in white and I'm very satisfied ^ - ^, the keyboard is also resistant to dust etc.


Find the descent from 240Hz to 75Hz pretty much. And the mouse is the Razher Viper Ultimate, but it doesn't have to itch because it is already there and the keyboard is the Razer Huntsman Mini in black


Yep, I just used my monitor as an example. There's certainly a curved monitor with 240Hz… Wait, I'll look for a ^^
Yup, there's our baby.

And the mouse should be something like Roccat's anyway. The keyboard can only be recommended, but as far as I know it is not as easy to clean as the Roccat. I don't know how much value you put on it ^^ ", with Roccat's it is so that you only have to knock a little and it falls out at the bottom, because there's a kind of cavity. You can see that on the side anyway ^^ "


What's so good about a curved monitor?

And my big problem with the 122 Aimo is that it is full-size and the numpad bothers me more than it helps


Uhm. Wait, it would be too complicated to write all of this, I'll just look for a short video where it is explained and watch the first few minutes or so to see if it is explained ^^ "

Yep, here's one, only takes three minutes.

As for the numpad: Well, I know that it really bothers a lot of people, but I don't really understand why, since I've never really had any problems with it until now ^^ ", but that's a matter of taste ^ - ^


Is there anything i could improve? I have around 3000 euro available for both lists together and it shouldn't destroy the look (RGB with black / white / blue)

Yes, stay away from these rams with Ryzen CPUs that like to clash

Could I go for a 3600 if I took the Nvidia encoder?

I would not do it because I would not do without 2 cores because of around 100 euro

Is an upload of 11.1 mbit / s enough for a 1080p @ 60 stream?

Yes, in any case, just set your upload in OBS between 9k-10k KBS

Suggestion for improvement:

A second monitor is definitely worthwhile for streaming
Buy a 144 HZ monitor just for PVP
(Optional) A stream deck is very advantageous if you want it to be professional


What other ram would you recommend?

And I already have two monitors, in the end there will even be 4 monitors and the main monitor also has 240Hz. And a stream deck is already in the list

Which setup do you like best? Pa Painstakingoil
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