Cheap camera to stream?

- in Twitch

Hi, I'm streaming a little on Twitch with multiple cameras.

Since I have a relatively dark room, most digital cameras reach their limits.

I have the Logitech C922 HD Stream Pro.

This delivers great pictures, the darker the room, the worse the picture.

I also use my iPhone 12 Pro via Wi-Fi and Epoc Cam, and the pictures are great even in the dark.

I wanted to replace my cell phone because, of course, I can't use it during that time.

A second iPhone 12 Pro is out of the question because of the price. I get a relatively good SLR for that.

I was thinking of a Huawai P30 / P40, which likes to have a display damage and doesn't look so good anymore, which doesn't matter. I wanted to spend around 50-100 euro. The manufacturer is known for installing great cameras in its devices, which can also work well in the dark.

But I can't decide between the whole versions (Lite, Pro, E, Normal…) and whether the higher price of the Pro in contrast to the Lite is worth it for my purposes.

Or maybe you have another / better idea.


-Good image quality in the dark

-The room is and remains relatively dark, because of the Led lighting, lasers, etc.

-Price range up to a maximum of 100 euro

- Preferably a cell phone, because the camera can be connected to OBS via Wi-Fi.


I have one that exactly meets your needs and can tell you that the camera quality of such a thing is absolute rubbish… I don't want to scam you, so don't buy a Huawei P30.


Well, actually, better lighting is the only decent solution. You can also specifically illuminate the area where you are or something.


I'm well aware of that, but the way the studio is designed, the lighting destroys the overall picture and the lasers no longer come across as well (I tried it)

Since it works wonderfully with my iphone camera, I'm looking for a cheaper alternative.

And then Huawai immediately came to my mind.


For the price, you shouldn't expect an SLR quality like a Sony Alpha for over 4000 euro.

I think the Huawai P30 Pro (the normal P30, I haven't had it in my hand yet) makes great pictures for its price.

I'm also not a professional streamer with 30,000 viewers.

It's more of a Just 4 Fun thing


I'm sending you a friend request so that I can get in touch with you immediately. What's your name on Twitch?




I have the P10 Pro and it takes great pictures. I think the P30 is good for J4F


Only a larger sensor will provide you with better image quality.

And you can only find it in the P30 and P30 Pro (1 / 1.7 inch). The P40 has an even larger sensor (1 / 1.28 inch).

I think it's very questionable whether you can get them for 100 euro.

It might be more of an advantage to look around for a cheap mirrorless like the EOS M, M3, M10 in used. With CHDK (or with the M with Magic Lantern) you get a clean HDMI output. And with a 20 euro capture card and an HDMI cable you get the signal to the PC.


But is it not the case that such cameras do not last longer than 30 minutes. Are you allowed to film in a row?

I heard something there.


With Magic Lantern on the EOS M there's the option for Auto Restart, the recording stops but is restarted within 1/2 second.
CHDK sets the video limit on the M3 / M10 to 3 hours and there are also scripts that start the recording again.