Canon Eos 250d suitable for Twitch for streaming?

- in Twitch

I want to start streaming on Twitch and have a Canon EOS 250d. If I buy a dummy battery for this, can I use it as a camera in the stream? I have already tested it on my PC with Eos Utility and it works.
I've heard that some DSLRs only have a max. 30min, or is this not counted as a recording since no data is transferred to the memory card?

Can my camera be damaged by overheating or other circumstances, or is it not because no data is recorded on the memory card? Actually, the camera is more made for photography. However, I wouldn't want to buy a new camera either.


Can my camera be damaged by overheating or other circumstances, or is it not because no data is recorded on the memory card?

The limit is not built in because of overheating but because of import regulations. Cameras that record less than 30 minutes do not count as video cameras and are then cheaper with import fees. But I think the provision was abolished around 2018.

So I think the 30 min limit doesn't count as a webcam. But why not just give it a try, a fully charged battery should easily last over 30 minutes.

And even if the camera did overheat, it would just turn off automatically. So nothing can happen there.


Thank you very much for your answer.

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