Micro stutter (lags) in Windows 10 cause?

- in Twitch

I have had the problem for a long time that I have little stutters in games or in the desktop where the sound of videos or music is also distorted.

It was particularly bad just now and that's why I recorded it. The picture remains in the shot at some point, no idea why the Geforce overlay is probably.

I think that it comes from the hard disk or the Ram If there were stutters in the resource monitor rashes for the two things.

I've never had such strong lags as in the video. I checked which programs I had open and closed the Windows Twitch app and wallpaper engine and then the stutters were gone.

When I opened the programs again, the stutters didn't come back. Could it be because my M.2 SSD overheats because it sits directly between my graphics card and CPU?

It can't be due to the graphics card since I have a new one recently and the lags still exist.

Here are my specs: https://www.userbenchmark.com/...n/30227595

and here the video:


Are you sure you are using "overlay" technique?
Technically it is quite dusty. 🤔

Anyway: Busy hard drives can have this effect. But that's not a special Windows 10 problem.
If the swap file is used with full RAM and the data flow from the HDDs / SSDs is fully utilized, this is the perfect scenario for your symptoms.


Thanks for the answer. How can you configure the paging file correctly? Should you have it managed by the system or set yourself? If so, only on C or on another drive? And how big?


The paging file isn't the problem - and Windows should handle it on its own.

The problem is that the interfaces to the data carrier are overloaded or overloaded.
This could of course be a thermal problem (as you suspect) - but it could also be that some thread wants to transfer tons of data.

Perhaps as a first approach:
Install yourself https://crystalmark.info/en/ (free of charge).
This software monitors the SMART values of your SSD / HDDs ("health values") and also shows you the temperature.

Try to find out in the resource monitor which thread wants to transport the amount of data.

If you want to dig deeper, get the https://docs.microsoft.com/...s-explorer r from Microsoft. Unfortunately, this free tool is not included with Windows. But is worth gold.
Note: Here you can set in the options that all processes are "sluiced" through VirusTotal.com. This can also indicate possible dangers posed by malware. (If you're already analyzing…)


SMART values are ok, but I do not know CrystalDiskInfo or Process Explorer.