Accounts get hacked more often?

- in Twitch

Lately it has often happened that one of my different accounts such as Facebook, GMX, Google Account, Twitch and a few more have been accessed.

What can be the reason? After each time I have always been able to reset the password, but how can it be that my accounts are hacked so often and what can I do about it?


Run a virus scan on every device you use - it sounds pretty much like there's malware on it somewhere that is tapping your data.


If you get hacked so often I would also spend money on a program and maybe take one from Google for the password so one is suggested or one with lots of numbers and letters and look around on YouTube, maybe you will find an answer there too.


Is there a program (free or paid that you can recommend?)


Same passwords + same email is used to log in.

Malware on the computer

You fell for Phisching several times.

Someone who knows you can guess simple insecure passwords.

Not all cases that you see as compromising are also. (E.g. It is enough to know your email to generate a password reset mail.)


They won't be that easy.

These are just some fake emails pretending to be from Facebook etc.

As long as you don't click on the links in the emails and enter your user data there, your accounts have not been in danger.

And if you enter your password and username on the pages, you have not actually been hacked but accidentally given your access data to the wrong people.


Could be because you are logged in with the same email and password everywhere.

Then the hackers only need to crack a password and have access to everything.

Hack Twitter? Va Various136