Can I get the video deleted due to copyright infringement?

- in Twitch

Can be seen in a clip on Twitch without my permission. The streamer refuses to delete. Can I report it to Twitch to delete it and is it likely that Twitch will delete it too


This has absolutely nothing to do with copyright.

Otherwise, it depends on what can be seen on the video or on what occasion it was recorded.


If you show me the clip I can decide and I need to know how it was created


Would have to go, of course, you can even complain.

a television broadcaster may not just broadcast you like that and you can sue him and in any case force you to censor you.

but since he has already published you you could also get money


A YouTuber put me in a cringe compilation without my permission and they responded. But the streamer refuses to delete


He just refuses to delete the clips don't know what else I can do


Turn on the lawyer, if he loses the proceedings, he has to pay the costs, you can completely cut them off.

but normally a letter should be enough, then the thing is done without negotiation


And without a lawyer, you have a few ideas


Add the link here


It is embarrassing for me


Threaten him with a lawyer if he doesn't take the clip down.

and that you want to be censored.

otherwise only a lawyer can help.

as usual, the costs go to him not to you, he made the mistake.

just let him know that you will go to the lawyer if he doesn't censor you and take the old clip down.

and give him a deadline if he doesn't, you'll have nothing left but to hire a lawyer


Show really times, is already on the internet anyway


You don't have to be ashamed of anything… You will probably also respond by sending the link & then we'll see


Yes, you have a right to your own picture and can report the clip accordingly on Twitch. It is likely that Twitch would delete the clip, I would say, but of course I can't say that exactly, since I do not know the specific clip in order to be able to assess it better.

According to § 22 KunstUrhG:

Images may only be distributed or publicly displayed with the consent of the person depicted. In case of doubt, consent is deemed to have been given if the person pictured received remuneration for being shown. […]

However, there are a few exceptions where you have to accept that the clip will remain online. For example, according to § 23 KunstUrhG, if you are practically only part of a landscape or location, or if it is a recording of a meeting (where you can be seen more or less by chance).


I'm in clip but just watch it alone at my home. It is a cringe compliation from a YouTuber who inserted videos


Don't put the link in here. Contact Twitch and explain the situation. The likelihood that it will be deleted is relatively high when it comes to laughing at you and embarrassing the situation.


Contact Twitch support and describe the situation. I assume that they delete the content.

If that doesn't help, you won't be able to avoid a lawyer. Then I would go against the streamer. So show him etc.


Reported yesterday but the clip has not yet been removed


I did it yesterday but the video is still there


Don't lie… If you had done it he would never be here or add the question above


It will take some time for Twitch to process the request. Depending on how much a day arrives at them.


You already said that