Twitch audio distorted - what to do?

- in Twitch

Unfortunately, I have the problem that the sound quality on Twitch is very distorted. I tried 3 browsers (Chrome, Opera & Firefox) and the same problem everywhere. I don't have an ad blocker or any general add-ons that could make the sound so distorted. I only have the problem on Twitch. YouTube videos / streams work without problems, as well as any other platforms that play anything with audio such as Discord, Soundcloud etc.

Is there any Twitch setting that is responsible for this, or where can I find the cause?


In the window of the film there's a setting option gear / extended / low latency at the bottom right


Should it be set to 'Off' or 'On'?


Just change it and try it out


Okay, I'll give it a try, thank you! ^^