Change Twitch name? - 2

- in Twitch

After a long wait I was finally able to change my user name on Twitch, the problem now is that no matter what I enter, the user name is always displayed, and I don't know why, the name is not used by anyone used on Twitch and I just don't know what to do next.

Can you please help me?


Moin moin minjung.Is not good for writing now look at youtube: twitch change names there are also several tutorials in German


Yes moinsen


Ne I already know how to change names… That's not the problem. The problem is that I don't care what I enter, the user name is not available and the tutorials won't help me at all, because they only explain how to change the name… Unfortunately, that's not the solution for me.


Unfortunately twitch is so you have to enter a name that makes sense for twitch I know stupid


Wtf montanablack makes sense if that is the case like LioNite, for example, and the one with the sensible is unfortunately not quite correct, I just entered djoksijdsd from test and that worked and I doubt that any random letters make sense.


No, I just take my names Twitch so they have restricted something