Car just stops at 350-400Kmh (Forza Horizon 4!)?

- in Xbox

I own an Xbox one S, where I like to play Forza Horizon 4 on it. The problem with me is that Forza, or the car I drive at constant 350-400kmh simply hangs. That means, the car just stops at 0kmh and that unfortunately happens all the time. Have it ever reinstalled, but unfortunately not the half. Sometimes I also have textures errors so at higher speeds, sometimes the floor is translucent as well as some buildings too and the car stops again. Does anyone have any idea what this is all about? Whether it's just me or that is a common disease.


I think of your question Cheating in discredit of a calculating in the background Physic - AI.

Then the system must get out of balance.


Is there something to be done about that? Or should I leave it as it is and live with it?


At the most exhausting in the corresponding basic game engine… More is not usually in there.

Your car can't be faster than it can proportionally handle the particular gaming engine (cheatet).


Is probably on the console?

How old is the console?


Have you been in October 2018?


I had that in Command & Conquer (early version) with a cheating coach. With too much cheating in the respective movement speed, my task forces (males / vehicles) started to tremble on the spot instead of proceeding.

With a registry-cheat from N4S (early version) I had that too. There was nothing trembling, but then went with exaggerated settings in the cheat nothing at all forward. (Car did not respond anymore)


@ parhalia2, is unfortunately pretty annoying, because it does not stop. In the predecessor parts, this is not the case Since everything runs smoothly.


Try it here and tell game support your problem:


Thank you, will try my luck.


You are welcome, and good luck. 😉