FIFA21 stills?

- in Xbox

I've been into FIFA21 for a while

The problem that I have still images so it hangs for a short time then it fast-forward but my opponent can continue to play during that time (I'm an xbox player)

Do you have an idea how it could work again


Could be a temperature problem. CPU and / or GRAKA get too hot and slow down…


On Xbox?


Check your internet connection. Restart the Xbox. If none of this works, contact Microsoft or EA support.


An XBOX also has hardware inside (main processor, hard drive, graphics processor, etc…) And this hardware can break down or overheat if the XBOX is "dirty" on the inside or the "cooling system" no longer works.


So because of the WLAN it is not permanently 125-150MB / s I can try it at the support, thanks


I'm an xbox player

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