Xbox One deletes games because of errors?

- in Xbox

I started the updates for 2 games this morning and when these hung at a percentage I wanted to pause the update and start again. When I did that, the two games disappeared without a trace. Must download it again now. Only the message came: "A problem has occurred…". At… ". I should check for error code 0x80070490. This says that the file was damaged, but why does the console delete 2 games? The other hadn't even started.


If the updates are canceled, the games that are already installed are also deleted. It's easy to see for yourself. If you cancel the update process, a window appears asking whether you want to "DELETE" the games. If you press "OK", both the update in the download and the game already installed on it will be deleted. I don't know why this is, but it seems to be a security mechanism to avoid irreparable errors. With Xbox 360 you can cancel updates without deleting the game. However, if you start the game (whether it is the older version or the downloaded, newer version) it can just lead to the game not being executed correctly. Failure to texture, sound bugs, instant crashes, and so on.