Question is above, would listen to a lot of music with it. I have 100 euro available and actually wanted to get a hard drive for my new Xbox and the Alexa but have heard extremely good things about the Siri.
what should i buy Alexa and hard drive or Siri?
Thanks in advance
PS I'm an iPhone user and use Apple music
Since you are already traveling in the apple universe, the homepod would probably be worthwhile
Ok do you know how the sound is?
Definitely better than the Echo.
No. Take a look at youtube - there are sure to be a few comparative tests
So I would recommend the Echo Dot 4 to you. He is very good and can do a lot too!
Is the sound quality good?
It's good to use Alexa yourself
Then take the larger echo (not the dot).
It's a different league in terms of sound than the Dot.