Minecraft Bedrock spawn on flat world villages?

- in Xbox

I've been in the mood for flat survival for a long time, haven't played that in years. If you don't know this: you try to survive in a flat world with limited resources. Villages have always been of great help. The problem is, I always played it back then on the Xbox one edition and you could set whether or not villages should be in the flat world. I want to play the whole thing again now, but just in the Bedrock edition. However, you can't set whether villages should be there or not, but basically there are simply none.

Does anyone know if that might work? I would have no problem playing on the one edition again, but I would like to keep the Bedrock because it is up to date. So: can someone help me?


So I don't know if you can set it up, but I'm pretty sure that villages can spawn there


Ups have no work experience 😅


Why don't you play Java edition?


I'm 100% sure that villages in the plain can spawn in the flat world, but I don't know what the probability is