May girls be typical girls but also gambling?

- in Xbox

I'm the typical girl! My room is pink, I like to make my nails and make-up. On the other hand I love to gamble, be it on the Ps, on the PC, xBox etc. I love games like Call of Duty (CoD) or Battlefield RTC.

Now many people say that does not fit together and male people behave weirdly and some say that this is not okay, you can only be one.

What do you all mean?


No, they must not. When that comes out, the police come and put themselves in the education center.

No, of course, they do not do that.

Turlich you can do that. Do as you think. And if you think that does not fit together, ask the following: "Why does it have to match?"

I doubt that anyone has a really sound answer on it.

Of course, you do not necessarily expect the FPS to play in a typical girls' room or something. But that's nothing bad.


Welcome to the world of role models and stereotypes.

Ignore what others say and live your life the way you want it to.

Just because the game cliché is that the gambling girls are rather masculine, you just do not fit in their "world view". But you can't care less.


I like the setting.