Very strict mother? Why?

- in PlayStation

I'm 16 years old and have a very big problem. My mother doesn't stop calling me a gambling addict, my father was addicted to gambling in the arcade so it really hurts me that my mother throws something like that at me. I wanted to show her the last works that were all 2 he 3 he and 4 he and the last vocabulary test since GB but only 1 he and 2 he. My teacher told me the other day, keep it up! My mother doesn't want to buy it from me that my teacher said something like that, she thinks I'm a looser. I'm totally controlled. When she goes to her boyfriend's on the weekend, I take care of my cute cat while my sister and mother are gone. But they keep saying you have to go to your father and sleep there! I don't trust you to stay home alone for 2 days Friday to Sunday. On the other hand, I often did it like this I said I'm with my dad but I wasn't there overnight! Only through PSN did I get to know my buddy who is always by my side, not like the people in my class. My buddy gives me math lessons via WhatsApp, just like in chemistry, so I had the last two once a 1 and once a 3 at work. My mother doesn't want to acknowledge that either, she even wants to forbid me from contact! He is always there when I need him, when I have questions, when I'm sad, then he is always there and I'm grateful for that. But now again to the problem that I'm accused of being addicted to gambling. Yes, I react quite dismissively, but also rightly I don't put up with that. Honestly, what do so many have against video games? Especially at this time (corona pandemic) it is better to play video games than to go to any private celebrations. I just said pay attention yes?

1 If you don't tell your son that he is addicted to gambling, that doesn't work, and I'm not yet 18, I wouldn't go either way.

2 Have I never taken drugs, never smoked or stolen.

3 Am I youthful and that you are in a phase where you get angry faster is completely normal

4. Ask all the other mothers! Oh yes, you already have that and they have confirmed to you that they allow a lot more than you, exactly as I said

5 Does my mother play the lottery which, if you take it seriously, is a game of chance so please.

6 I said I was saving up for a new game console. But that should also be forbidden to me.

7 Sweets are not allowed here either, apart from cookies twice a week.

8 I'm sent to bed at 8 p.m. Every evening who goes to bed at 8 p.m., please? I'm not a toddler anymore!

9 I can't stop listening to this every day please help me!


Yes, unfortunately some mothers are like that.

Since you're only 16, you don't have that many opportunities to change anything.

The best option is always to look for a quiet conversation in which both parties explain their own points of view and in the end a good compromise is found. The way you sound like it was always pretty much between the door and the hinge.

I also heard myself being addicted to gambling a lot. Maybe it was me too and just didn't want it to be true. Whatever the case, the statement always struck me. Maybe you explain to her how you feel about it hurting you.

Bigger mistake? Ta Talon78
Is that normal? - 1 Za ZanyIssac
Too strict? Pr Presley639