Downloads on PC very slow despite Lan?

- in Xbox

I recently assembled a PC myself and I'm actually satisfied, but I notice that the download speed is very slow.

In advance I have an AsRock B450M Pro 4 mainboard if that says something.

Provider is 1 and 1 with DSL 16000 line.

During the speed test on the Internet, I get about 8mbit / s, but the downloads are at a maximum of 1mbit / s

I don't have a WLAN card in my PC and I can't test it, but my Xbox One and my mobile phone download much faster. The Xbox with Lan cable too, so it can't be because of that.


In order to measure, you should do a speed test intended for this and with all devices the same

look in the router at what speed you are connected via dsl.

there's a value for up and one for down. These values can never be exceeded with a speed test.


Thanks for the answer. I just noticed that the download via Google Chrome is very fast and only in my case Blizzard and Epic is slow so programs download the games, similar to Steam


Yes, downloads in particular can be very moody and depend on many things.


The circumstance can have many causes, the source from which you are downloading could be the cause.

A speed test with all devices one after the other could show whether there's a difference, if so you should check the settings of the router, a LAN connection test between router and PC can also show whether there's a LAN connection.


Think about it: You have 8 Mbit / s in the speed test and 1 Mbit / s in the game launcher. Ringing? Ratio 8: 1, it looks very much like that in your game launcher not Mbit but MB are displayed, and 1 MB = 8 Mbit.