Ps4 downloads too slow?

- in PlayStation

I recently bought another game for my Ps4 and wanted to download it too. Unfortunately the download has been going on for hours and is only 1/5 complete. Now the question is, is it normal for it to take so long? To be honest, I'm pretty pissed off… Small information I have an average of about 1Mbit on the Ps4, sometimes less. Even on my phone, files download a lot faster in comparison.
I have already read a lot and also noticed that PSN has throttled the servers because of Corona, and that some downloads take longer. But I ask you, that's over 4 days, that's a joke. They can't expect you to wait that long. Is it because of me or really because of their server

Ps4 downloads too slow

That is normal depends on your internet line.


Either you don't have strong Wi-Fi or you have a game running in the background.

Try it out with a LAN cable.


I bought a game today and the download has been going on since 1pm and not even half of it is finished


So normal? For me too approx.


Well it's not the best there's, but a lot better than here, that's crazy


Yeah think that's normal. Just wait a little longer and have to be finished soon


For that you need patience like me


Well, my Wi-Fi is actually fine, and nothing is open in the background, I mean, I even had it in sleep mode. And LAN cable becomes difficult, doesn't want to drill holes…


Yes, as I said, it's been going on since this morning, you can't tell anyone…


Do something else in the meantime, preferably a game offline otherwise it will take no longer


Well no, I prefer to close all applications, in the hope that it will then be a little faster -.- but yep, what do you want to do, so that's really normal


Yes, with game downloads more often


No, thats not normal. Are you in the network via LAN or Wi-Fi? You should always go online with a cable.

It can also help to manually configure the internet connection.

For primary DNS server you enter:

one and for secondary:

These are the google DNS addresses and faster than those that may be obtained in the automatic version.

You should also enable all ports on the router that are required for the PS 4. You can easily find which these are with google.


I've already done that with the DNS, but only with and I'm inside via Wi-Fi, but it's a bit difficult with LAN, but I was actually always of the opinion that I don't have such a bad connection, I mean, as I said on my iPhone, I almost downloaded this size during this time…


Have you tried turning off the console and turning the Wi-Fi off and on again?


Uhh no I haven't yet, will my downloads be canceled?


No, in the best case, you will not play it safe and pause the download beforehand. If that does not work, then maybe the console switches to quiet mode. I also noticed that this is sometimes fast


You are an angel❤️