Your Co-op Game Recommendations (PS4)?

- in Xbox

I'm currently looking for a game that I can play online with a buddy. It is especially about games where you do not play against human players and where you do not depend on additional players.

We prefer shooters, RPGs and action games and the like, but are also open for new ones.

It is important to us that active interaction is encouraged / rewarded or at least possible. In addition, the interaction should be permanently possible, so not such. At Bloodborne. A reasonable level of difficulty should also be there.

We already had Ghost Recon (FS and Wildlands), Gears of War (there was an XBox on loan), Beyond: TS, Resident Evil, Hunted, Army of Two and a lot more.

Edit: We already had A Way Out, which is a must for Coop gamers.

Besides, we have not been that thrilled with Borderlands, Destiny and Monsterhunter.

Do you have some great suggestions for games to play together? It does not have to be a couch co-op as we both have a PS4 and have already played many Couch.Coop games. It is now more about the online play together…


Helldivers might like you.


Diablo III

The only game whose console version of the PC version is light years ahead - even more co-op.

(The "professional" who invented the Click-to-Move control for PC RPG's belongs on a wall… Together with the "hero" at Blizzard who decided: "Controller support for the PC version? Ne is not… ")


Actually we already played Helldivers, but somehow we never got really warm with that, especially since we had alienation shortly before…