Why is my purchased Xbox game not visible in my library?

- in Xbox

I bought the Definitive Edition of Battlefield V at Microsoft.com today for 59.99 euro via instant transfer, but the game is still displayed as not purchased even though the money has been withdrawn. On my Xbox, Battlefield is in the order process, but I can't install it and the store says I haven't bought it. Have I lost the 60 euro or do I still get the game?


Simply bought for PC xD


I thought so too, but I've already bought other games on the website and I've always been able to play them on the console until now. But the purchase is not even shown in the order history. As if I hadn't bought it


Call support and describe your problem. If you can't find it anywhere, then maybe it's a bug or something went wrong


Okay, I'll try, thanks


No problem