What does account balance mean?

- in Xbox

What does that mean on the xbox one, 16 days or so ago, I got 14 days free of charge gold, if I want to see how long that is still valid, that is there

Actually that has already expired? I still have 9 euro xbox credit. Is this paid for?

What does account balance mean

You got something FREE for 14 days 16 days ago and you keep using it… So you have to pay NOW for the first month… And then until the deadline for cancellation

You have now signed a contract that costs you money each month


I think it means your Microsoft balance. I think there are better answers.


Yes, because I also thought that the credit is not


I thought so too but I have heard that it is not possible with the credit. Otherwise I have no payment methods


He is right


Thought that too will not work


Do you know why that is?

If this is an exception or a mistake, that would be a cool mistake


Think that's a "cool mistake" is they'll get the money anyway irgentwie but actually that's not about the credit


I want to play GTA 5 online right now, unfortunately I have no friends on the xbox.

What can I do online?

I want to take advantage of this mistake 😂


Everything you do not have to click on "buy" again.