How do I deactivate the Teredo filter on Vodafone?

- in Xbox

I have a problem with Xbox Live that I can't play Forza Horizon 4 online. Maybe this is because my Teredo filter is active. I have already looked at my router's website on the Internet, but I can't find the list there to disable Teredo filters and I can't find an extended view. I ask Vodafone for help!


Do you have a "standard" router from Vodafone or do you use a Fritz.Box?


I don't have a Fritz.Box but a Vodafone router.


Then unfortunately I'm out. I'm not familiar with the Vodafone routers: /


That doesn't exist, why can't anyone help me? I was always able to play online at the very beginning. Then came the problem that I could no longer play online, which then disappeared again after a while. Then I couldn't play online again and this has been the case for well over 1 month.

I have already informed myself and found out that my NAT is open to means instead of. And you can do that by deactivating the Teredo filter. If I only knew where to do it…


The thing is that either fewer customers are likely to use their own Vodafone router and, for example, a Fritz.Box router, or some use it, but do not miss this Teredo service. The Fritz.Box has a simple setting point where you can simply uncheck "Teredo Filter" and then it should work.


I have already seen on YouTube that it is so easy with Fritz.Box and it looks like many Fritz.Box are using it, is that because they have a much better internet connection?


No… You don't have a better internet line from a Fritz either… But Fritz.Boxes are simply the best router for a home or small office network when it comes to setting options. Above all, that UPnP (auto. Port configuration) can be set, for example, where I always hated Telekom's Speedport router for not having implemented something like that.


If we compare a 250 Mbit / s line from Vodafone and a 250 Mbit / s line from Fritze, is there actually a difference in terms of the internet line and the price, or are both equally fast and equally expensive except for the name?


The router really makes no difference to the internet speed. The router can only reproduce what the line transmits from the distributor to your home and if you have a line with 250 Mbit / s connected to it, then you will get the 250 Mbit (regardless of whether it is a Fritze or a standard Vodafone router).

As I said, a Fritz.Box is only the best router because, in contrast to, for example, the Vodafone router or the speed port from Telekom, the setting options, such as UPnP, packet filter, prioritization, etc., stop diverse and simply better than with the competition.

But a Fritz.Box is in the end just as fast as your line is. You can't get much more out of that either. No provider takes anything.


And in addition: "If we compare a 250 Mbit / s line from Vodafone and a 250 Mbit / s line from Fritze"

There's no line from AVM Fritz… The router is just a device that makes your line, which you have rented from an Internet provider (Telekom, Vodafone, Unitymedia, etc.), usable for you. Which forwards Internet packets from the outside to you in the network and in turn forwards packets from your network to the outside.

So simple: the router makes your line usable and manages the data flow from external (internet) to internal (your local network) and from internal to external…