Ordered on eBay classified ads with buyer protection, package already a week in delivery?

- in Xbox

Net community.

A good week ago I bought an XBox 360 Kinect on Ebay classifieds for around € 25 (including delivery costs) and it's still not there. The provider has always been very friendly until now, but yesterday he would have insinuated that * I * was the fraudster, and hopefully not simply lying that the package had not yet arrived. Unfortunately I'm very inexperienced when it comes to shipping etc. (package comes from Germany to Austria / DHL) and I just wanted to ask what you can do in this situation (either on the part of the seller or the buyer, i.e. Me.)


The package has a tracking code, doesn't it? Then you can see the stand exactly.


Have the tracking number given to you.


Shipping with tracking would have cost 20 euro according to the seller, so he didn't buy the tracking and instead paid 10 euro or something.


Unfortunately it doesn't exist. Shipping with tracking would have cost 20 euro according to the seller, so he didn't buy the tracking and instead paid 10 euro or something.


If there's no parcel or tracking number, the VK sent it as a parcel; that could take a little longer than sending a parcel.

Wait a few more days; Hardly anyone will want to cheat because of 25 euro!


If the seller sent the package, he received a tracking number when it was posted!

You can use this tracking number to track the shipment online.

DHL Tracking
Here you will find detailed information about your shipments.

The link leads you directly to DHL shipment tracking!


My advice:

Just ask the seller to give you the tracking number. The seller can find this on his posting receipt.

How does the buyer protection of eBay classifieds work?

If your order does not arrive or if it deviates significantly from the offer description, our partner OPP (Online Payment Platform) will pay you back the purchase price and will not pay the seller. There's a small fee for this coverage, based on the purchase price.

You can find extensive information on buyer protection here:


What buyers need to know!
Similar to PayPal, buyer protection for eBay classified ads is a voluntary service, the rules of which the provider can determine himself in the form of his general terms and conditions.

The fact that the statutory warranty rights from the sales contract remain unaffected by this is unfortunately only mentioned in passing or not at all.

In any case, I couldn't find a corresponding reference on eBay classifieds.

In return, however, this meaningless, misleading information:

Please note that it is often a question of buying used items and selling between private individuals. The same standards can't be applied here as when buying from a professional seller. However, a private seller is not allowed to provide false information either.

Correct is:

Private sellers can exclude the statutory liability for material defects.

At the time of transfer, however, the item must be free from material defects.

If no information has been given regarding the exclusion of the statutory liability for material defects, the liability for material defects is 2 years for private sellers too! And also for used goods!

Please note that it is often a question of buying used items and selling between private individuals. The same standards can't be applied here as when buying from a professional seller.

The following example makes it clear which standards the Federal Court of Justice also applies to transactions between private individuals:

Ignorance does not protect against 5,249 EUR damages!

Buying a car on eBay for 1 euro - the http://www.bundesgerichtshof.de decided with http://juris.bundesgerichtshof.de/cgi-bin/rechtsprechung/document.py?Gericht=bgh&Art=pm&Datum=2014&Sort=3&nr=69385&pos=0&anz=164: eBay sellers who cancel an ongoing auction on eBay for no reason can be claimed for damages by the highest bidder. Even with a maximum bid of just 1 euro, the sales contract for a car is not immoral.

You can find the whole story as well as the judgment of the BGH here:


Experience has shown that many buyers consider buyer protection to be a binding decision. Goods do not arrive or do not correspond to the guaranteed quality - the buyer gets his money back. That is the end of the matter.

A well-known example shows why the reality for buyers and sellers can actually look very different, in which neither the ignorance of a layperson nor the assumption that they will not be able to pay the required compensation played a role.

Here, too, it is a question of business between private individuals!


Good to know:

The two examples mentioned show situations that happen every day in exactly the same way. However, due to ignorance, most of them have no consequences.

The examples also make it clear that in an emergency, neither understanding nor compassion can be expected.

The widespread assumption that the matter is done once the purchase price has been reimbursed to the buyer is a big mistake!

In the case of so-called mail order purchases (transactions between private individuals), the buyer bears the V


Alright thanks!