Is the purchase of an Xbox one s still worthwhile in 2019, although there will probably soon be the next gene?
No, not worth it. If then the Xbox One X or PS4 Pro.
But if you want to play on highend then a really good gaming machine.
Consoles are generally a joke Graphics and technology of 2011 in 2019 is simply compared to other technical extensions such as tv pc smartphones a ver… Sche hoch ten
If you do not have a decent PC with a good CPU you can rest assured with an x box one s access (have paid for my 150 euro) is absolutely sufficient for a filling HD screen or TV because 4 x even xbox x not fully reproduced becomes.
I also play on the high-end PC and have to say that for a console the one s provides a really nice graphics.
But you should not buy an x box or PS 4 again!
Since then you can rather buy a new graphics card. In addition, in x box and PS for online multiplayer play an extra abbo must be completed, which is not necessary for a PC.
For upgrading PC, I can also advise.