What should I do? Puberty, Anxiety, Psychology?

- in PlayStation

I'll tell you my puberty story briefly and hope that you can help me.

So it all started in July 2019. I did a zombie quiz and apparently got into it somehow. So far so good, I continued in the evening and then later played PS4 with my friends (as we always did back then) but all of a sudden I got a real panic attack and suddenly I was really scared, cried, etc. Then I went to bed and then just watched Youtube (to distract me). I thought it would be gone the next day and everything is normal but the next few days were pure horror. Like I'm trapped by evil demons. I also went to my best friend…

In August 2019 we were in Holland and I also had a friend with us. It was better, but on some days I still had very dark moments and on some days also very good ones… At the end of the vacation my head was dark again but it got much better from day to day. But still, I was just scared of zombies all the time. The next time after that it was like a wound that was once very deep, just starting to heal again but is still very sensitive.

Time has passed everything was okay and good so far and we're in the summer of 2020. All of a sudden I got the flashbacks of 2019 and had panic attacks again… Afterwards I went out with my friends and the day was just gray in my head. In the evening it got better and the days after that too.

Yesterday everything suddenly started again. I made myself a burger and the sun was shining in my room and the typical summer day was there. I got feelings again that put me down and cried, etc. Luckily no panic attacks. Today I feel a little better because yesterday I talked to my father about it all evening.

I'm just counting a few things that I forgot about, etc.

There's very often stress in my family, which could be the trigger, in the period between 2019 and 2020 I wrote a lot with my aunt (who is also a psychologist) which helped me a lot.

I'm in the middle of puberty and I'm 14 years old and always have these bad times in summer and whenever the sun is shining or it's warm…

I'm 14 years old and male and I'm wondering if I should go to a psychologist… Will it help? Before that I'm afraid that it will not work and that I'm helpless…


I would definitely go to a psychologist, I had something very similar. Then went to the psychologist and he showed me how to deal with it!


Wonder if I should go to a psychologist… Will it do anything? Before that I'm afraid that it will not work and that I'm helpless…

Fear that it will not work… Whether this is justified will only be seen when you try it. Seen in this way, you can only win - you will get rid of this unnecessary fear and probably a psychologist will actually be able to really help you.


There's no point in not trying something because it might not work. You could have let go of everything since you were born. Why learn to walk, you just fall down anyway, why make friends with people when you split up…

Maybe a psychologist can help you. Maybe not. You don't know beforehand, so find out. If it's easy for you to do and your dad helps you find one, it's great.

Psychologists, of course, are not magicians. He can just teach you how to deal with your fears, but he can't magic them away or talk them away.

Incidentally, I've heard quite a few times that young people have such a problem when they have seen something very blatant. It is not for nothing that there are age restrictions on games or films, that is not to annoy young people, but to protect them. Anyway, I think you are not alone with the problem.