Would these be suitable representatives for the euro banknotes (see D.)?

- in Xbox

As a homework assignment in the vocational school, we should give typical representatives for all euro banknotes. I've been racking my brains over how much things could cost, especially with large sums of money. That the prices fluctuate strongly is clear, it should give approximate examples.

I have roughly decided on the following:

5 Euro: sundae (vlt. Better a kebab?)

10 euro: paperback

20 euro: DVD

50 Euro: popular console game

100 Euro: brand sneaker (eg Nike)

200 euro: Xbox One

500 euro: TV

Are there perhaps examples that would be geeigner?


Does not mean, who represents the banknote? On the bills various buildings and monuments can be seen. I would now understand the question as to what you can reprint instead of these buildings. So, for example Which people are important for Europe or for world history. They could then represent the bills.

The monetary values are well chosen. I would stay with the sundae.


The 10 EURO bill should show a picture of the 5 EURO note in the old design as an allusion to the inflation.


5 euro: doner kebab

10 Euro: Mobile phone prepaid card

20 euro: bicycle helmet for children

50 euro: vacuum cleaner

100 euro: drill

200 euro: washing machine

500 euro: TV