XBox Gold, friends and name deleted after reset?

- in Xbox

Hi, I have unfortunately found nothing on the Internet and wanted to ask here. Since I had a login bug on the Xbox One S, I decided to reset it. Registration works again, but now I have a completely different name, probably the one I got random at registration back then. All my friends are gone and my memberships too! My games are there but not installed. Is this part of the reset? Friends and Games oke but XBox GOLD Membership?! I paid for it! And on my mobile I'm in the Xbox app still connected to my old acc under the old name, so the acc before the reset, so I understand just nothing. So can someone tell me how I bend all that just, get back old name and no the name I can't change and just an explanation if this is all normal, because do not see me again to buy gold!




I think that you have logged in with a wrong e-mail. It happened to me a few years ago. If this is not the case, then contact Support.


Yes, in fact, the wrong email was haha, when I signed in from cellphone, the email was thank god, otherwise it would never have been on it. Had the email address totally forgotten uff, but now everything works again ja