Am I wrong if I find it wrong to be in second place next to an xBox?

- in Xbox

I've been in a relationship for almost a year now and it was very positive at first.

Nevertheless, Steit has been around for a few months because of its xbox.

The problem is that we both have different shifts and sometimes we can only see each other on weekends. I also work as a caregiver every 2nd weekend.

It's not that I don't treat him because I "allow", or rather, I often accept that he can play in my presence. Nevertheless, I often have days when I feel bad because of many personal things and I just want him to be there for me.

But it is often the case that his game is more important to me than me and says: "He just wouldn't have time for me now that he's in an online game". I'm not asking that he should no longer gamble, but that he should be there for me as my partner and briefly turn off the game to talk to me.

And accordingly, he often prefers to call me off than his Xbox. When I talk to him about it, he always gets it wrong and says that he can't do everything right.

That's why I often have a guilty conscience even though I don't ask for much?

Hope you can help me there, because I no longer know what is right and what is wrong and usually feel very neglected by him when he gambles. As I said, we do not see each other very often and then when I want his attention to be mine. Is that wrong with me?

LG Katja.

Stay healthy!


Why are you with a living xbox?
wish him the best of luck with his xbox and search the far


No, it's not wrong of you. It's just wrong of him to pay little attention to you. If I were you, I would simply ask him: Who is more important to you? Me or the Xbox?

Then he will probably answer "you". You could then e.g. Ask why he doesn't spend your little time together with you instead of the Xbox - after all, after all, you're more important to him.

Maybe that helps, good luck.


And accordingly, he often prefers to call me off than his Xbox. When I talk to him about it, he always gets it wrong and says that he can't do everything right.

Good day,

Your courtesy will not be accepted because they practice their RIGHT regardless of losses.

You don't have to have a guilty conscience because he should have that. Therefore, your next step should be towards distance. Maybe then he realizes what is more important to him.


Thanks for your answer, I just don't want to give up our relationship so quickly because I know him differently and love him very much.


Many thanks for the answer. I'll try that. Let's see how he will respond to that.


Many thanks for the answer.

You are absolutely right. I was only very desperate and looked for the mistakes in me. So far I've been keeping him at a distance, you're the last Steit. Let's see what comes.


Thanks for feedback. If you are really important to him, he will banish his XBox and concentrate on you. But watch out, because even then it could be a temporary matter. But then you have to find clear words.


In fact, he has promised me a few times that he will switch off the xbox for me immediately if I request it. But nothing ever came of it. All of the arguments were suddenly forgotten, as if nothing had ever happened, and it always starts again.


Then you should react consistently and leave him alone on the spot. He has to realize that you are important and not his pleasure. Surely you don't want to be a gap in the gap.


You are absolutely right, thanks for opening my eyes. It's not for nothing that one says: love makes blind. ^^


.lach. True, love is blind, sometimes dependent, but a clear thought often sheds light on the dark.

