Is Red Dead Redemption 2 really that good?

- in Xbox

That's only been out for a short while and is totally hyped up. I would actually like to buy it but afterwards I do not like it and it was thrown out money. If I borrowed it in the video library, it would be hard for me to decide in such a short time whether it would be worth it. I do not have a friend who has that and could lend me. I do not actually lend myself any games anyway.

Has anyone played through this already (on the PS4 Pro, PC, if it is already out there or Xbox One) and can tell me if it is really as good as in the whole article on the Internet is always claimed? How is the graphics, the gameplay, etc. So? And how is it online?


Offline Story is awesome, you can't go wrong and have not won some awards for no reason and is highly praised almost everywhere. If you like the gameplay and setting, we can say it hard because we do not know you.

The online mode is extremely boring, at least when you have finished the story in online mode. Whether the next months still something is difficult to say, think personally there's nothing good anymore.


Are there still video stores? With me in the city and environment meanwhile all video libraries closed, even a big company is not here anymore.


That's not easy to answer. If it comes down to me, it's the best open world game I've ever played, and by the way the best game of 2018. If it goes by the critics, it's a gameplay-obsolete, overloaded graphics blender.

Seen in neutral, there are three things that should be considered. On the one hand the objective and expert assessment of the trade press. On the other hand, the opinion of the user, already there's already a major conflict. And of course your own preferences.

If you like Open World games, have already played one of the GTA parts, and are comfortable with the setting, it's perfect. The world is so great designed like no other title before. Also, as Rockstar installs the missions, there's nothing set up or coercion, or tick off Simples to get ahead. Everything apart from the main story is not only optional but fits into the world and you do not play it because you have to but because it's fun. Optically and acoustically, there's nothing to complain about. Above all, the graphics are unparalleled in the Open World. Also, the story is so well told and takes you right. All this together makes it perfect for me.

Also critically one can see some points, whereby these are strongly dependent on the own preferences and expectations. On the one hand the Rockstar typical missing synchronization. For me no problem while reading the subtitles and listen to the excellent speakers in the background. For others, however, has always been a no go. Also, the game is partly very realistic and is therefore slow and sluggish compared to other titles. I just like this slow gameplay because it helps the immersion immensely. For others, however, this is a huge criticism, especially when compared to other titles (Assassin's Creed, Just Cause, Spiderman).

I hope this helps you a bit. Otherwise, look at a few streams or gameplay videos. So you can get a good impression.


With me in Berlin, some have thought tightly but surely there are still some which.


Thanks for this expert review. I will take your points to heart.


I'm glad that I as a convinced fan of the title seemingly remained neutral and could help you.😊


If you like to play games with a long story and like western games, this is THE game you should play.