Xbox Background Music?

- in Xbox


Groove Music has been unusable for a long time for people who use the app for the first time. My question would be whether there's an app for the Xbox that works something like Groove (best with Onedrive)? I found an app that supports Onedrive, but it doesn't look very trustworthy. Although it has 4 stars, only 20 have rated it and no one has written anything about it. The app is called Songify.

I would like an app that can be played in the background, supports Onedrive or is looking for YT.

I'm not interested in Spotify, Soundcloud or anything else because there's not the music I would like to hear


Such apps are not in the interests of large IT giants because they want to sell you songs or want to display advertisements in between.

If cloud storage is used instead of local media, you can even harm them. It is understandable that these companies do not want to play your MP3 collection.