Can I publish free games on Xbox One / PS4 for free?

- in Xbox

If I inform myself I only read that it would cost me 700 euro a year if I wanted to market a game on Xbox or Playstation. But can't I also publish a free game there, which in return is free for me to publish?

One of my games has been available on Steam for a few months now and it's free. Sure, I had to pay a one-time parking fee of $ 100, but it can be worth it after all the work it has taken.

As an additional feature, the game itself has got full controller support from me so that you can also play it with a gamepad.

So it should actually be quite compatible with consoles and in an emergency I just make the function blocks out of where touch-button queries take place…

But can I publish this game for free on Xbox One or Playstation 4 at all? Or would I just have to pay a one-time fee like with Steam or would it permanently cost me money like with a subscription?


Only people from PlayStation can answer that, call support and then that's it.