Why is Microsoft now driving this strategy with the Xbox?

- in Xbox

In the Xbox 360 era there were so good exclusive games.

Halo, Alan Wake, gears was, Forza… Dead rising was exclusive or games like lost odysee.

And now there are no more exclusive games at all, why?

I can just play everything that has been released on xbox one, even with a controller on my PC, and the next generation will also have nothing exclusive at all.

Why are they bringing out a console at all? The Ps5 is definitely justified, but the new Xbox? Why? Can someone explain to me what sense it should have to acquire another xbox?

A PC can do everything in cheaper, better graphics & has the same game selection, much more.

What did MS think with it, which target group is addressed?


Because they have such a broader reach, consoles are financed by the in-house games and if more people are reached, it has paid off for Microsoft, by the way, Sony is starting to follow the same track, Detroit and Horizon Zero Dawn, to name just two examples


Yes, but only after a while they will be available on the PC, and Sony emphasizes that this will not be the case for all games in the future


Not yet with everyone, there was a time when Sony said that their exclusives never appear on PC, and for people who find a PC too stressful they can get the console


But why an Xbox? A PC is just as stress free & can be used with controllers. I understand a Ps5


A PC can do everything in cheaper, better graphics & has the same game selection, much more.

That's not true. The Xbox will cost around 500 euro and have the performance of a 1000 euro + PC


How much it will cost is not known at all & you can see the price level of a current mid-range gamer piece, you don't need 1000 euro


Because there's no Halo or Forza on the ps5, the PC is not stress-free for a layperson, most are overwhelmed with the hardware configuration alone


Microsoft is now focusing on expanding their Xbox Live service. Thanks to the renewed Xbox boss since 2018, they focus on crossplay, so the ridiculous and fanboy-hot console war is weakened more and more. After all, things are going well between Microsoft and Nintendo, actually also with PC, but only from a technical point of view, the players still hate crossplay with PC, because of the strange creature - I mean, cheater.

Microsoft also no longer sees Sony as a competitor, but rather Stadia, since Microsoft wants to expand the Xbox service in the Asian region. You can just stream an Xbox to people. Have a PS4 / 5 at home and then play btw on my Xbox One / Series X mobile phone. I have already tried Xcloud (the streaming service at Microsoft) - had so many lags or other problems when I tried out Stadia. Funny thing is that you can use your PS4 controller for Xcloud 😂

Microsoft is just trying new ways, but as a customer you should simply decide what to choose, Xbox, Nintendo, Playstation, Stadia, Mobil or the PC. It's nice that you can manage your wish list, but you don't have to get upset with other systems or even downplay them. Damn it, we're not stupid toddlers from 2006 to 2013, when the ridiculous console war took place. If you don't like how Microsoft changed direction, just choose another platform that suits you.

It's up to you. Peace. ✌️


Which target group is addressed?

Originally those who were unable or too lazy to use a PC with Windows.

Now every toddler and grandma can do that.


I think it's a pity that you only reduce consoles to their exclusive titles. Consoles appeal to completely different people than PCs. You just want to play something in the living room from time to time, don't put anything on and it should just work? Buy a console.


But not even a bit, the new Xbox has the performance of a PC for 1000 euro. For 400 euro today I get a GPU that lets the box sink.


If you knew… Many teachers can't even do it


Well then do you have a GPU and on?

In order to play games on the graphic level of the coming generation, something is still missing.


No matter let them talk. Are upset because you know we're right


Quite possible 🙆


Are CDU voters and wannabe educators lol