Repair my elite controller?

- in Xbox

I now have the Xbox Elite Controller for about 4 months and it spins around completely… If I click the Rb button once, it reacts twice, the problem was also much earlier because now it clicks too hard instead of once now only twice. Since I bought the controller in Media Markt and I no longer have a box-office bong, my question is: "Can I hand in the controller to Xbox Support and have it reacted (you get a new one for that), or will I have no chance? To give the controller back somehow?

Ps: I apologize for my German I have a reading spelling weakness


This is not an answer but for me the L key spins where you move in the game. If I point my stick upwards, the controller will move completely upwards and the same if I pull down with the stick. In game, my player automatically runs forward or backward. I would recommend you to open the controller and spray on the spot wd-40 and try again because maybe a cable is stuck or the button needs to be loosened a bit!