Online mode of the Nintendo Switch?

- in Nintendo

I wanted to play Splatoon 2 today. When I was in the lobby came the error message "2306-0502". This is not the only one. Sometimes this one also came here: "2618-0519"

I searched the Internet for a solution and then learned that you should set up a DMZ to fix the error.

I tried that too. My Fritzbox (7430) does not support DMZ. I did then what is written here:

I have the IP address of my switch under "Internet" and "connection status" read out.

That did not help. What can I do? The problem did not occur until about 19:00. Could play normally before…


Your parents have paid the monthly fee for the internet?

Otherwise, there's perhaps a general disorder.


Or I bought them. Yes


Not the switch membership, but the internet bill… Maybe there were problems with the debiting.


As already said: that can be synonymous s.der Serverm of Nintendo. They are, as you know, not exactly the most stable ones. In addition, today is Saturday and then also in the evening, there's already an overload potential.

If the problem persists, then su should in any case write an e-mail to Nintendo Support and see what's going on there. Since you said that you first played normally and the problem occurred all of a sudden, I find that really strange. XD

Hope the problem resolves itself.


No, everything is fine


Also no disturbances? How many people have connected to Wi-Fi?


Still does not work…


It did not even work when I connected alone


Then write an E-MAIL to the Nintendo support in which you write exactly the same as here.

Less than no answer can't come out.


Do not find an e-mail address… Only self-service…