Do you think GTA 6 will have an online mode?

- in PlayStation

Do you think GTA 6 will have an online mode?

GTA 5 is coming again for the PS5, and online should be separated from the story. So on PS5, you can buy online mode without GTA 5.

There will also be further updates.

I'm really worried that GTA 6 will just be a story game, with no online mode, and the online mode will be expanded with new maps, graphics, etc.

I just want a brand new GTA (GTA6) with a new story and a new online mode with better character creation, body adaptation, etc. And just start over and work up.

What do you think?


GTA 6 will have an online mode…

If you get the impression that games were made for the player only… Wrong. Manufacturers must (or want to) make money. For GTA 5 alone, there are a number of paid models that are sure to be used. The cow is therefore milked until it is dead. (Sorry for all vegans).


Yes of course. Has already become a duty nowadays…


What do you care about vegans? Sorry to all other minorities that I'm not interested in either but I haven't mentioned them here.


There are many good games that do not have an online mode, which may put off many buyers, but they are still successful.


Ohh Poor Tuff Tuff… Has the word "vegan" been used? Are you feeling bad now? I do not care!


I hope it will be a long time before a GTA 6 comes. I would prefer it without online mode. But unfortunately there will probably be another one


Well, I'm more of an OpenWorld / Online lover, but then things like MK2 and such should be removed. Without online the game would not be as popular after a year, work for 7-8 years. It would be a shame if there's no online, because Los Santos just can't see much longer.


I don't play online mode at all. Initially tested. Since he was still quite ok. Meanwhile I find it unplayable.

I like the Gta series from part 3 only for the good single player and story mode. And I hope it stays that way.

For part 6 I only want 1 main character to be played again.


Yes, there will be an online mode.


Yes there will be for sure. Rockstar makes tons of money through gta online

In my opinion, you should only do a story mode and leave out the online mode