Nintendo Switch (2019) or Switch Lite?

- in Nintendo

Until recently I had the normal Nintendo Switch from 2017. Unfortunately, it broke down and now I'm looking for a new one.

Since I "lost" some e-shop titles with the Switch that I would like to have again, I'm really thinking about what to do now.

I have 320 euro at my disposal, of which I could either buy a large Switch alone or the Switch Lite with several games.

I've been toying with the Lite for a long time, but I've always been skeptical about the lack of vibration.

But I think the big one is just too expensive at the moment, just so that I can play on TV.

Still, if I had more money, I would definitely choose the large one, even if I like the Lite.

In my current situation, however, the Lite somehow makes more sense, because I don't necessarily need the large TV feature now.

What would you do in my situation or which switch would you buy and why?


Isn't it so noticeable that there are no vibrations


I actually say I would rather say the normal switch because you can just switch between the hand console and connect it to the television.

Only since you already write yourself you don't really need this feature, I would rather say that the Switch Lite is more worthwhile for you.

I'll also assume that you rarely played on TV with your switch that you had.


My opinion: the switch lite is not a switch. Because… You can't switch them


But you can still play all games


Yes, but on a smaller screen and not on the television


Diw switch lite is actually no longer a switch. Above all, the lack of vibrations and the inability to remove / replace the joy cons bothers the gaming experience in games like super mario odyssey.


Is the Lite just like a board? Why are there no bulges for a better grip? When they opened it in a video, I saw that there are no buffer zones inside at all - if it falls down, that's it.


That's why I bought a Lite


But quite good as a handheld console


Do you travel a lot or do you play more at home?


Both. When I'm at home, however, I often play in handheld mode to watch TV on the side or just for convenience.