How long do you have to wait for a letter from the public prosecutor?

- in Nintendo

I'm / 14 started shoplifting with a friend yesterday, also M / 14 (I'm not proud of it). In any case, we were caught on an escalator by the shop detective in front of the MediaMarket exit. We both stole a Nintendo Switch game (me: Zelda left awakening; he: SuperMario Maker 2) and the two games each had a value of around 60 euro each. I wanted to ask if the case of the game also has a value, because we tore open the film on the side and then opened the box. We then levered the card on which the game is out of the case so that it could get out of the box. So we didn't steal the case and therefore I would have thought if it would be subtracted from the "stolen value" (if there was anything).

The police also told us that we can expect a letter from the prosecutor. How long does it take?


So we didn't steal the case and therefore I would have thought if it would be subtracted from the "stolen value" (if there was anything).

And so the game is worthless / unsaleable for the retailer and MM can therefore claim additional damages, which I hope will happen.

Otherwise the invitation to the "preliminary talk" with the police will reach you early enough. The youth welfare office will probably also intervene.


Usually you get a police appointment for an interrogation if this has not yet happened. Only then will the public prosecutor's mail come. How long this takes depends on how busy the responsible public prosecutor is. I think it could take between 2 and 4 weeks. At the Christmas circus maybe a little longer. Either way, you will experience it.