Amiibo cards in acnh are not working properly?

- in Nintendo

I'm addressing you here because I was trying (as always) to get rid of an unwanted resident in acnh with an amiibo card. After I had crafted 3 things for the amiibo resident, he was ready to move in. Because my island already has 10 inhabitants I expected the typical dialogue with "Unfortunately there's no more space available on the island but I heard that… I want to move out" but only came up with "Unfortunately there's no space on the island, maybe next time" Is that always the case from now on? Has Nintendo removed their function from the Amiibo cards? Or was that just for me?


The amiibo function is still there. Did you talk to the resident again? Did you get a little confused with the time travel? The resident who should move out… How long has he lived on your island? All of this has an impact on this amiibo function. Maybe it worked by now, but if not, just try inviting him again! LG