Do you need an Amiibo for Animal crossing Amiibo?

- in Nintendo

I have a Wii standing around at home with which I hardly play anymore. It occurred to me then that there's also an animal crossing, and I really liked this as a child.

Now to my question:

For this game, there are Amiibos (which is also in the name), and so I wanted to ask if you have to buy an Amiibo to play this game.

Is the game somehow restricted without Amiibo or can I not even play it without Amiibo? How is that?

I would be very happy about an answer.

LG and have a nice day.


I think it will be min. Being an Amiibo while playing or you can play it without Amiibo


I would buy the game on eBay classified ads, there's no amiibo there.


You could ask the seller if there was an Amiibo


VERY BIG TYPE on my part.

Never buy anything on eBay! EBay has major security holes in the reliability of its dealers. In addition, Amazon is usually a 99.9% cheaper alternative.

I would really think again!