Why did so few games come from Nintendo this year?

- in Nintendo

Why have so few Nintendo games been released so far? Because it felt like there were only 3 games this year (correct me if I'm wrong) that were really publicly advertised, namely Animal Crossing, Pokèmon mystery Dungeon and Paper Mario. And then I wonder what the problem is this year. Did Nintendo have big problems with the Corona crisis or is it something else. Sure, I know that there are countless indie games that I have made friends with this year, but I still lack the really big titles.

And the prospects are not much better, we still get Pikmin 3 Deluxe and New Pokèmon SNAP, but otherwise it is missing this year.

Do you know why there's so little this year.


We're at a point in time where no matter which console there were really many games, and Corona may have sparked a little in between. Don't worry, it will get better


Yes, Nintendo definitely had problems with Corona because you can't even continue from home.

Is that the reason for the few games? Well, in any case, there's a reason

Maybe they are also working hard on games that are planned for 2021, e.g. Zelda Both (was not announced for 2021)
