Pokemon: Sun / Moon or Ultra?

- in Nintendo

I want to start with a Pokemon game (have a New Nintendo 2DS XL). I have already decided on the version, but I do not know if I buy sun or ultrason. What would you recommend? And can you get a Flamiau as Starter Pokemon at Ultra?


Take Ultra sun. It is the improved version of sun. In the end the same game, only with some improvements. So yes, there are the same starters.


Thank you for your answer.


Look at the differences in the two editions on the Internet, if you ask this, then almost everyone will name the edition he's playing. I would have said UltraMond too. : ') Decide that yourself, if you have researched something.


If so, then Ultra. More and better content, more Pokemon and even new Pokemon that did not exist in S / M yet, and a slightly redesigned story and postgame content. The only drawback: The Sun and Moon demo had prepared for the full version of a special Quajutsu, which is similar to that of Ash from the series, but this is only compatible with the sun and the moon, which means that one would have to give it up in the ultras. But when I look at what Ultra offers and S / M does not, that's a low price that sometimes has to pay and maybe there are nice people who have a quajutsu over them.