Nintendo Switch loose contact? - 1

- in Nintendo

I've had the Nintendo switch for a few years and it always bothered me that the sticks suddenly had a loose contact and a left error (ie I don't do anything and the figure in the game or other things automatically goes to the left.) That's why I closed myself Bought a controller for the Switch at Christmas, but as of today it has the same bug as my Nintendo sticks. So my question is: how do you fix this? I don't want to have any more loose contact and left errors!


This is a known bug. All you can do is buy new ones and wait until they do it again. My tip: If you can, get the ProControler, which runs over a cable. You can "only" play on TV with it, but it only costs around 30 euro.


This is Joy Con drift, and it's a very common problem, everyone will have it sooner or later. This is because the material that detects the movement wears out and the dust builds up.

There are some tricks that sometimes fix it, for example recalibrating the joystick, you can do this in the settings. You can also clean them with isopropanol, you should google for instructions.

If that doesn't work, they can be sent to Nintendo and the Joy Con will be fixed for free.

If you want to work around the problem, consider buying a Pro controller as the problem does not exist there. However, you can't use it to play in handheld mode.


But he said he already has a controller and that's the same problem


Yes, but it's cheaper to replace. All controllers have this error at some point…


He said he has a controller and that's the same problem


So I've had a controller for ages, around 9 years, and it works perfectly


But not from the Switch… It's not yet 9 years old. The affected controllers are only from the Nintendo Switch, I thought that was clear…


However, it was not specifically stated whether it is a Pro controller or not, so I assume that new Joy Cons are meant, as, to my knowledge, no Joy Con drift can occur on Pro controllers, or only after a long time.


Yes, I know that, but you said every controller has that at some point


The title says Nintendo Switch loose contact, so I thought we were talking about all controllers in the Nintendo Switch family, not all controllers in general.


Oh so ok