Nintendo Switch with Samsung Powerbank?

- in Nintendo

I recently bought a Nintendo Switch and wanted to ask whether it could be charged with other power supplies apart from the original power supply of the Switch.

I found a Samsung Powerbank with Fast Charging at home and wanted to ask if you can charge the Nintendo Switch with this Powerbank in handheld mode. Unfortunately, since I'm absolutely not familiar with voltage and overloads and stuff like that, I took a picture of the information on the power bank.

(The 2x 5V refer to the 2 outputs of the power bank)

Nintendo Switch with Samsung Powerbank

Do not worry. You can use it. As long as you don't use a Chinese scrap charging cable, everything is fine. Your Switch gets along well with Samsung chargers!


The Nintendo Switch should work with USB Power Delivery.

The switch should also be able to charge with 5V / 2A, just slower. Your power bank has 15 watts, but Samsung is having a hard time accepting PD-specified devices. The switch may not charge via PD, but only classic 5V / 2A.


So there would be no problems with overvoltage or overcharging the switch? I don't know how much a switch can take and whether my power bank is above this maximum value.


So there would be no problems with overvoltage or overcharging the switch? I don't know how much a switch can take and whether my power bank is above this maximum value.


, even if your power bank could provide 60 watts, it wouldn't let 60 watts into the switch. The switch only takes as much energy as it needs.

The Switch has (by the way, almost every device operated with a lithium battery has something like that) a charge protection circuit, so it does not overcharge.

There should also be no overvoltage, because not the power bank, but the plugged-in device and the power bank together determine the output voltage.


Your switch knows how much power it needs. There can be no overcharging or overvoltage because your switch can regulate the power supply. No matter how far you exceed the maximum value, your Switch will always charge normally and without damage!


Sure, that's not a problem at all. It may just load more slowly.