I love the 3DS series. I have a lot of games on my 2DS that I want to continue playing in the future (like Kid Icarus Uprising, Fire Emblem and so on and so forth). Would it still be worth buying a New Nintendo 2DS? The Nintendo Switch I already have but there's no console with which I prefer to play as the 3DS. (Note: I myself have a 2DS but all systems that do not have New in the name are by and large the same.
If there are still many games that you enjoy and that you play for a long time, why not?
My absolute favorite game 😊
Only for this game I recommend you to buy a 3DS. 👍
But if there are even other games that you play again and again, then that's not a question, clearly you have to buy one then. 😊
The 3DS / 2DS / … Is a good portable console and has spawned many fute games. Although there will not be any new games, the selection is quite considerable and you can play all the old DS games on the 3DS as well.
So I can only give you a very big buy recommendation. 😁
You still play the games. So there's only one answer: YES!
The New 2DS / 3DS allows you to play all DS, 3DS and NEW 3DS games. If you say that you play several games regularly or even like to use the console at all, then it's worth buying a console in 2019 as well.
Why not.